Donald Trump: false claim

  Article: Offering False Dichotomy Solutions
  Published: November 12, 2020

false claimsee definition - a statement that is directly contradicted by fact and can be easily proven untrue.
: The U.S. is not energy independent and continues to import millions of barrels of oil per day.[9]

  Article: Recasting Fault as Virtue
  Published: October 12, 2016

false claimsee definition - a statement that is directly contradicted by fact and can be easily proven untrue.
: After examining more than 100,000 confidential documents, the NY Times concluded that the "small loan" was actually $60.7 million.[1]

  Article: Recasting Fault as Virtue
  Published: October 12, 2016

false claimsee definition - a statement that is directly contradicted by fact and can be easily proven untrue.
: Trump indeed tweeted, "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."